Global Electric Power Coverage

The Power Industry is the backbone of the industrial world, supplying essential energy to industrial, manufacturing, commercial and residential customers around the globe. In developed economies with mature power markets, investment is driven by transition of fuel and energy sources, increased environmental legislation and an ever-aging generation fleet and transmission/distribution infrastructure. In contrast, developing economies continue to expand their power bases to meet growing demand for electricity-starved regions. For these reasons, the Power Industry continues to have the largest investments and number of projects in the industrial world.

Industrial Info offers the most extensive market intelligence for the Power Industry, providing timely and accurate information. Our global research teams identify and constantly update key details regarding project spending in the industry as well as pre-commissioned, commissioned and decommissioned plants around the world. In addition to identifying and tracking important information on capital and maintenance project events, we also provide vital details on equipment in existing power stations. This includes information for the generation and T&D sectors as well as emerging segments such as battery storage and micro-grids.

Power Database Platform Elements
  • Attributes

    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    • Active projects across the Generation and Transmission/Distribution Sector 65,135
    • Total Active Project Spend $11.2 Trillion
    • Active Project Contacts 216,514
    • Industrial Energy Projects (Captive power production in industries other than Electric Power) 8,368 Projects worth $319 Billion


    • Commissioned Plants 65,010
    • Functional Contacts 200,446
    • Pre-Commissioned Plants 37,174
    • De-commissioned Plants 2,934

    Unit Maintenance Events (Planned & Forced Offline Events)

    • Ongoing & Future offline events 14,573
    • Over 1,829 Offline event alerts annually

    Long Term Service Agreements (LTSA)

    • Plant Level LTSAs 6,514
    • Gas Turbine Unit LTSAs 7,270
    • Wind Turbine Unit LTSAs 6,365

    Transmission & Distribution

    • Active Projects 12,567
    • Pre-Commissioned and Commissioned Substations 25,639

    Generation Units

    • Commissioned Units 142,817 with 7.6 Terawatts (TW) capacity
    • Commissioned Industrial Energy (Captive Power) Units 42,729 with 437.87 gigawatts (GW) capacity
    • Pre-Commissioned Units 67,591 with 7.4 Terrawatt (TW) capacity


    • Pre-Commissioned, Commissioned and De-Commissioned Boilers 33,337
    • Water Tube Boilers 17,228
    • Fluidized Bed Boilers 3,163
    • Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) 8,400
    • Nuclear Reactors 453


    • Pre-commissioned & Commissioned Drives 153,871
    • Combustion Turbines18,721
    • Steam Turbines 27,389
    • Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines 46,975
    • Commissioned & Pre-Commissioned Generators 83,576
  • Plants

    Industrial Info provides detailed plant profiles for pre-commissioned, commissioned and decommissioned generating plants and substations globally, providing the operational status, location information and functional management contacts for each facility.
    Every plant profile includes:

    • Plant Owner, Operator & Parent Company Information
    • Functional Management Contacts with Email & Phone Numbers
    • Latitude & Longitude Coordinates
    • Personnel Count
    • Operator Labor Preference
    • Physical & Mailing Addresses
    • Plant Commercial Operation & Expected Closure Dates
    • Operational Status
    • Design Capacity & Operating Capacity (When Available)

  • Generation Units
    Generation Units

    Globally, Industrial Info identifies and provides key details on installed, pre-commissioned and decommissioned generation units. Detailed information is provided on units across all industries and includes information on units owned by utilities, independent power producers (IPP) and industrial energy producers (IEP, also known as captive power plants). Our coverage includes units across all fuel types and energy sources such as fossil-fueled, nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, battery storage, biomass, waste to energy and others. Unit types include combined & simple cycle, steam, photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP), energy storage and others. In addition to traditional power generation, we also track cogeneration and combined heat and power (CHP) units.

    • Owner Name
    • Unit Name
    • Unit Type
    • Associated Plant Name
    • Operational Status
    • Construction Kick-Off, Commercial Operation & Expected Shutdown Dates
    • Primary & Secondary Fuel Types
    • Power Usage (Base, Intermediate or Peak Load)
    • Design Capacity & Operating Capacity (When Available)

  • Drives/Engines/Generators

    Industrial Info tracks and identifies drives that support generation units and plants around the globe. Coverage includes details on prime movers such as combustion, steam, wind, and hydro turbines, as well as reciprocating internal combustion engines at utility, independent power producer (IPP) and industrial energy producer (IEP) sites.

    • Owner Name
    • Associated Plant & Unit Name
    • Drive Type
    • Drive Model
    • Drive Capacity Primary & Secondary Fuel Types
    • Operational Status
    • Construction Kick-Off, Commercial Operation & Expected Shutdown Dates
    • Wind Turbine Counts (Windfarms)
    • Generator Manufacturer & Other Details
    • Environmental Controls (Air Quality System)
    • Heat Rate (When Available)

  • Unit Maintenance Events
    Unit Maintenance Events

    Industrial Info identifies and monitors planned and unscheduled maintenance outages in the Power Industry for ongoing and future events. Details are provided as to when the maintenance began or is expected to begin, along with a description of the cause of the downtime and the expected return to service.

    • Owner Name
    • Associated Plant & Unit Name
    • Start Date & Anticipated Return to Service Date
    • Details of Cause of Unplanned Outage
    • Description of Planned Work for Scheduled Outages
    • Event Status
    • Event Cause
    • Event Duration

  • Transmission & Distribution
    Transmission & Distribution

    Industrial Info identifies projects, plants and assets related to the transmission & distribution sector of the Power Industry. Project coverage includes capital project activity directed toward new construction, expansions, modernizations, upgrades, replacements for transmission & distribution lines, as well as substations. In addition, we also are tracking plant and asset locations for substations and lines. Our primary focus is on lines 69kV and above.

    • Owner & Parent Company Name
    • Asset Name
    • Line Layout (Overhead, Below ground, Sub-Sea)
    • Line Distance
    • kV Rating
    • Transmission Line Type (AC/DC)
    • Project Contacts
    • Contractor & Vendor Contacts
    • Project Scope of Work
    • Project Schedule
    • Key Project Milestones

  • Capital & Maintenance Projects
    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    Industrial Info's Power Industry research team identifies and tracks capital and maintenance activity worldwide. We track grassroot construction, modernization and life-extension programs, equipment replacements, repowering projects, Transmission & Distribution, fuel conversions, expansions, environmental compliance projects and other hard-to-find capital expenditures around the globe. In addition to capital projects, we also identify scheduled maintenance projects. Each of the projects identified is closely monitored for changes to contacts, scope of work or schedules, so that updated information can be provided in a timely manner.

    • Project Owner Contacts
    • Total Investment Value (TIV)
    • Project Scope of Work Details
    • Project Schedule
    • Key Project Milestones (Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Requests for Quotations (RFQ), Bid Documentations & more)
    • Contractor & Vendor Contacts
    • Technology & Equipment Requirements
    • Project Capacity
    • Environmental Requirements

  • Long-Term Service Agreements
    Long-Term Service Agreements

    Industrial Info identifies Long-Term Service Agreements (LTSAs) for thousands of generating units and plants around the globe. First, we capture information on unit-level LTSAs for combustion turbines and wind turbines around the world. Similarly, our plant level LTSAs capture includes details on agreements for plant-wide agreements or specialty service areas where third-party contractors are required.

    • Type of Agreement (Capital or Maintenance)
    • Agreement Status
    • Contract Duration
    • Contract Start Date
    • LTSA Company Name
    • Outsourced Operations Company (Where Applicable)
    • Key Contacts

  • Boilers

    Industrial Info provides information on utility-scale boilers and limited coverage of industrial boilers around the world. Details are provided on water tube boilers, fluidized bed boilers, chemical recovery boilers, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), mass burn incinerator/boilers and nuclear reactors. These boilers are located at power stations, cogeneration/combined heat and power (CHP) and district heating sites.

    • Owner Name
    • Associated Plant & Unit Name
    • Boiler Type
    • Boiler Manufacturer
    • Boiler Model (When Available)
    • Steam Capacity
    • Steam Pressure & Temperature
    • Primary & Secondary Fuel Types
    • Environmental Controls (Air Quality System)
    • Operational Status
    • Construction Kick-Off, Commercial Operation & Expected Shutdown Dates

Segments We Cover


Public & Private Power Products
Municipality, cooperative-agency, and investor-owned utilities with generation capacities of 5MW & greater.


Independent Power Producers
Non-utility generators, merchant and qualified facilities with generation capacities of 5MW & greater.


Industrial Energy Producers
Privately owned and operated industrial manufacturing plants with on-site electric generation, back-up generation, or cogeneration of 5MW & greater.

T&D Systems

Transmission & Distribution
Transmission & Distribution lines 69kV & above, along with supporting substations. Many of these projects include micro-grids and battery storage.

Sectors of the Power Industry


Power plants utilizing fossil fuels (natural gas, oil, coal and others) along with nuclear power. We also cover stand alone and co-located battery storage in this sector.


Thermal power plants convert heat to electric power. Coverage includes coal, solar thermal, nuclear, combined cycle, waste-to-energy and geothermal power.


Combined Heat & Power
Plants that produce both electric power & some other form of thermal energy utilized in a process or for heating/cooling purposes.


Power plants using wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biomass and others as the primary energy source.

Platform Solutions

Intelligent, easy-to-use tools for accessing, delivering and making the best use of our dynamically updated industrial intelligence.

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Industrial Info's Power Analytics Products help supplement our online platform and give our clients a long-term view of where spending is expected to be and its major trends or drivers.

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